Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New school year- new projects

Unfortunately, Tiffany and Stephanie are no longer working in the VWRRC because they were only here for the NSF REU summer program. In good news however, the new school year brings new projects! Check out the press release about the summer program we participated in.

This school year, myself and two other undergraduates will continue to work for the Virginia Water Resources Research Center. I will have two main focuses this semester. The first project I would like to complete is one based on looking into desalination and energy use on the coast of Virginia. I am extremely interested in coastal ecosystems and the problems that arise relating to water resources in these areas. The second project will be my honors thesis project and it will relate to water use and water quality in the Dominican Republic. While I haven't completed my thesis proposal yet, the project will be a comparison of water use and water quality between tourist areas and local, non tourist areas. I am actually in the Dominican Republic as we speak and I will post plenty of pictures when I return to Blacksburg next week!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Final Touch Ups

Today has been a busy day!! Tomorrow, as Caitlyn said, are our final presentations and the time to hand in our final reports that we've been preparing all summer.  It's sad to say goodbye to Virginia Tech, but its been a fun  summer and a great experience!  Many of the watershed REUers will be attending Steppin' Out tomorrow.  I'll even be working the table on Saturday morning spreading knowledge about watershed quality and Stroubles Creek!!  Thanks NSF and VWRRC for making this summer possible!

It has been a good summer

Today is our last "work day" of the NSF REU program. Tomorrow we have our final presentations in the Skelton Center on campus. The past couple of weeks have been jam packed with writing and editing reports as well as constructing powerpoint presentations. I can't believe the summer is practically over! For most of the NSF REUs, we have a couple of weeks before school starts. Unfortunately, Mari, one of our fellow NSF students, has to drive straight back to school when this program comes to a close on Friday! There have definitely been some ups and downs throughout this program. Some days we had a great time out in the field collecting water samples and learning about GPS and water quality sensors. Other days we sat around the office and felt unmotivated and tired. Traveling was definitely a blast for me although it made the summer move so much faster! My trip to the Dominican Republic was wonderful and will be followed up by a trip this fall. I also enjoyed traveling to conferences in Ithaca and Chicago. I felt though, as if I didn't spend enough time in Blacksburg this summer. I suppose that can be a good thing as well since I will be here for another year of school starting at the end of August. This summer has been a wonderful chance for myself and other undergraduate students to get to know other students from around the country and to begin to work in the always expanding world of water research. While stress levels have been extremely high this week with deadlines quickly approaching, we still managed to have some fun by attending trivia night at a local restaurant last night as well as completing a couple of craft projects! This weekend is the local "Steppin Out" festival in downtown Blacksburg and I couldn't think of a better way to end the summer. I hope that everyone gets a chance to see some of the interesting vendors and musicians before they leave to return home. The photo I included is one of the NSF REU group (with a couple people missing) from our very first week in Blacksburg! I can't wait for the next stage in my water resources research!